Looking for a job? We offer Market Analysis for GDPR implementation
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Autor Téma: Looking for a job? We offer Market Analysis for GDPR implementation  (Přečteno 13306 krát)
Linda Sochorova

Karma: 0
Příspěvků: 4

« : Duben 03, 2018, 12:09:04 pm »

We are looking for colleagues who will help us analyse your local market readiness for GDPR implementation (https://www.eugdpr.org/). But that is not all. You can start with analysis and stay with us to build our network in your country as GDPR manager and later even branch manager for your region.
What you can help us with at start:
-        Researching your country approach to GDPR implementation.
-        Conducting short survey in local small hotels / B&B to analyse readiness for GDPR.
-        Providing us with the results of your research and advice.
Next steps if you will be interested:
-        Conduct a series of workshops on GDPR implementation explaining how we can help.
-        Build the sales network in your region.
-        Cross sale of Siesta Solution products for booking and price management.
-        Sales and customer care.
We are looking for people interested in long-term career with us.
What you can get:
-        Reward 50 € for initial analysis.
-        Opportunity to grow to GDPR manager and branch manager in a short term (within 1 year).
-        Full support of our team.
-        Building your own business in your region.
-        Freedom in managing your time and income.
When you will succeed growing into GDPS / Branch Manager, we will fully support you providing all know-how and help from our expert team.
Interested? Contact us:

Linda Sochorova
skype: lindasochorova
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